#14 Taxi Driver & User App: Node.js Express & MySQL – Admin Service Management APIs


🚖 Administrate your taxi service with ease! Dive into creating, updating, and deleting services through APIs. Learn how to maintain a versatile and efficient service catalog for your taxi app.

🚀 Highlights:

-Node.js & Express: Efficient API development.
-MySQL Database: Secure storage of service data.
-Service Management: Full control over services.
-Admin Panel: Simplify service administration.

🛠️ Features:

-Node.js & Express
-MySQL Database
-Service Management API
-Admin Service Management
-Optimize Your Taxi Service

📢 Service Excellence:

Empower your admin panel with the capability to oversee and manage services effectively. Be sure to like, share, and subscribe for more informative tutorials.

Github Source Code: https://github.com/codeforany/taxi_driver_node

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#AppDevelopment #NodeJS #ExpressJS #MySQL #API #ServiceManagement #AdminPanel #tutorial

