Session Variablels in MySQL | Variables in MySQL | SQL Tutorial PART 97


Session Variablels in MySQL | Variables in MySQL | SQL Tutorial PART 97

About this channel:-
Hello friends, this is Prasad and welcome to my youtube channel named PMGURU. In this channel, we are always talking about Programming Languages, tricks, tips about coding and many more…

About this series:-
In this series, we are going to discuss all concepts of SQL, databases and many more.
key features of this series:-
1) Easy to understand
2) For Absolute Beginners
3) Theory + Practical based – because if you don’t know the theory, then you cannot able to understand practicals

SQL Tutorials :-

About this video:-
In this video, we are going to see what is session variables.

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#sql #sqltutorial #sqlforbeginners #sqltutorialforbeginners #sqlfordatascience #sqlcourse #structuredquerylanguage #structuredquerylanguagetutorial #sqllectures #advancedsql #variable #localvariable #globalvariable #sessionvariable #session

